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How much is Haven (XHV) worth?
The price of Haven (XHV) is $0.127231 today with a 24-hour trading volume of $6,128.04. This represents a 4.97% price increase in the last 24 hours and a 4.68% price increase in the past 7 days. With a circulating supply of 31 Million XHV, Haven is valued at a market cap of $3,882,034 . Where can you buy Haven?What is the price of Haven protocol?
October 20, 2023 - The current price of Haven Protocol is $0.12 per (XHV / USD). Haven Protocol is 99.59% below the all time high of $28.99. The current circulating supply is 30,658,609 XHV. Discover new cryptocurrencies to add to your portfolio. October 20, 2023 - The current price of Haven Protocol is $0.12 per (XHV / USD).What is the price of Safehaven Defi (Haven)?
The price of Safehaven DeFi (HAVEN) is $0.03032633 today with a 24-hour trading volume of $28.44. This represents a -0.26% price decline in the last 24 hours and a -0.71% price decline in the past 7 days. If you’re looking for the market cap of Safehaven DeFi, data is not available today as the circulating supply of HAVEN tokens is not reported.What currency does Haven use?
The base currency of Haven is the XHV, which is burnt to provide users with private, untraceable, synthetic assets and commodities called xAssets. The network uses a “mint and burn” process to provide users with untraceable digital assets with standard market pricing and real asset-pegged value storage.